19th Ave New York, NY 95822, USA

How can technology support your value proposition?


The Mallcomm platform serves as a dynamic tool that empowers properties to cultivate tenant relationships, offer personalised experiences, optimise operations, and harness data-driven insights.

By leveraging these capabilities, properties can enhance their value proposition, create a more vibrant and attractive environment, and position themselves for sustainable growth within a competitive real estate landscape. 


Enhanced tenant engagement

Mallcomm facilitates direct and seamless communication between property management and tenants. This fosters stronger relationships, allows for swift issue resolution, and provides a platform for tenants to voice their feedback and suggestions. By nurturing these connections, properties can create a more inviting and tenant-centric environment, which is instrumental in attracting and retaining businesses. Whether you need to submit an urgent request for maintenance, contacting your marketing team, or any other communication, our platform provides a quick and easy solution for you – and your tenants. 

Promotion of services and offers

The platform empowers properties to effectively showcase amenities, discounts and special offers. This not only boosts tenant satisfaction but also attracts foot traffic, contributing to the property’s overall appeal. Enhanced loyalty systems can track points and spend. Using geo-fencing, this software will identify locations and behaviours, providing shoppers with unique offers and notifications, all aimed at increasing visits and spending. 

Community building

Mallcomm facilitates the creation of vibrant, interconnected communities within properties. By providing spaces for networking, event coordination , and tenant interaction, the platform helps foster a sense of belonging, leader to a more dynamic and attractive property environment.

With Mallcomm technology, you can communicate directly with shoppers to encourage in-store visits, improve the customer experience, and create a strong community to help increase sales. For example, an interactive store directory means shoppers can plan every visit, find out when their favourite stores are open and easily contact them with a quick tap.

Efficient operations

With features like automated workflows, maintenance tracking, and streamlined communication, Mallcomm optimises property management processes. This efficiency translates to cost savings, allowing resources to be redirected towards growth initiatives. By allowing tenants to easily submit maintenance requests and receive updates on progress to help improve tenant satisfaction. Through the digitisation of everyday time-consuming tasks, Mallcomm makes property management more time and cost efficient. 

“We see our partnership with Mallcomm as a way to empower our tenants. Working with Mallcomm and our tenants, we believe this is a path to an even more efficient and successful future”

-Janette Smrcka, IT Director, Mall of America


Data-driven insights

Mallcomm generates valuable data insights about tenant behaviours, preferences, and engagement patterns. Through the automation of data, Mallcomm improves productivity, reporting and management. Tenants’ sales figures and figures can be swiftly and accurately collated to drive portfolio performance and shape property management strategies. Proactively generating feedback is a vital component  in effective property management. Through the introduction of surveys, polls and feedback forms you can learn how  tenants feel about your property and services to continuously improve and adapt.

Partnership and networking

Mallcomm provides a platform for properties to collaborate with local businesses, service providers, and other stakeholders.This fosters a thriving ecosystem, enhances property appeal, and opens doors to new growth avenues.

The platform serves as a dynamic tool that empowers properties to cultivate tenant relationships, offer personalised experiences, optimise operations, and harness data-driven insights. By leveraging these capabilities, properties can enhance their value proposition, create a more vibrant and attractive environment, and position themselves for sustainable growth within a competitive real estate landscape.

If you would like to discover how Mallcomm will improve your value proposition, click the button below to speak to our team.